Habit Change and Healthy Lifestyles


Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Time: 12:00 pm EST

Cost: $25

Who Should Take This Class:

  • Anyone who wants to learn a sustainable, long term approach to habit change.
  • Anyone who is tired of using willpower and force to step out of old habits and is looking for a different approach.
  • Anyone who wants relief from mental behaviors like rumination and worry.
  • Anyone who is looking to form new, healthy habits.

Habit change is hard if you don’t know how to approach it. Most people think that all you need is some will power and a few goals. Did you know that willpower is a finite resource that goes out the window when you are stressed?

Habit change is not about muscling through. It’s about leaning into the unwanted behavior in a mindful, non-judgmental way. In this primer course, you will learn evidence-based skills that will help you to step out of auto-pilot mode and into healthy patterns that feel good and are sustainable for the long haul.

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