It’s that time of year to pack it up and head to college. For many, the return to college can be exhilarating and scary all at the same time. There are so many new challenges, friends, and routines to navigate. It can be overwhelming.
Some of the challenges that many college students face is staying healthy and physically active. But it can be done! Meet Brendan Lenhard who lost 95 pounds as a college freshman and managed to keep if off during his time at Boston College. He is now a graduate, about to start a new job in New York City and continues to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.
I first interviewed Brendan back in January of 2017 and learned a lot about his successful strategy. Here are ten of the takeaways:
- The process of weight loss is a mental thing more than anything.
- I had to approach it as a lifestyle change and not a temporary one.
- It helped me to have other people around who knew what I was trying to do.
- Find a routine for both eating and exercise that you know that you will stick to.
- Stick to the healthy options in the dining hall at school and avoid the junk.
- When you go out at night, be conscious of what you eat.
- Get enough sleep or you will be too tired to work out the next day.
- Manage your school workload to reduce stress.
- I am very conscious of what I eat. If faced with junk food, my thought process is, “I know that this is junk, and I will feel bad later if I eat it. This is my default process all the time.”
- You may have setbacks and that’s OK. One bad day doesn’t matter if you are looking to make a lifestyle change. It’s just a blip!
If you consider Brendan’s story, there is no mystery to his weight loss. Eat healthy foods, avoid junk food and exercise. The true mystery of weight loss lies in the process and this process is as unique as you. No one in the universe knows how you operate better than you do and tapping into this knowledge could unlock the key to your success. If you are looking for ways to lose weight like Brendan, and want to uncover your unique process, give me a call. Sometimes a simple conversation with an objective observer such as a Health Coach can spur new thoughts and transformation. You can reach me at  for a complementary session.
If you would like to read more about Brendan and his journey, click on the link below.